Special Guest Expert Workshop

Sunday, November 12 @ 10AM ET

via ZOOM









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ELDOA and the Diaphragm:
An Osteopathic Perspective

ELDOA is a revolutionary method that teaches you to use specific, self-generated movements to affect every joint and organ in your body. It is a full-body system which will help you to discover how the complex fascial connections of your respiratory diaphragm, spine and organs powerfully connect with your nervous system, determining the quality of your movement and your health.

This method is exceptional for improving posture, biomechanics, breathing and overall quality of life.

You will find this practice helpful for:

  • decompressing spinal nerves

  •  improving posture

  •  improving body awareness

  •  improving movement patterns

  •  encouraging your nervous system to relax

  •  reducing pain

  •  encouraging deeper breathing

  •  understanding the fascial connections throughout your body

This Workshop Will Last Approximately 90 Minutes

60 minutes of practical & experiential movement | 30 minutes of Q&A


Because of the precise and specific nature of this method, it is essential that the instructor be able to see you during class. This is for your own safety and so that you can get the most value out of your experience. Even though the workshop will take place via ZOOM, please prepare as if it were a live, in-person class.


Everyone who attends will need to have their cameras on. Please set your space up in such a way that the instructor can see you in both a standing position, and lying down on your mat.


This workshop will be addressing your fascial system in particular, which is highly sensitive to hydration levels. To ensure you get the most benefit out of class, please be sure to hydrate well, drinking 16-32oz of water before class.


It is not advisable to eat a heavy meal before the workshop. Please do not eat for at least 1 hour prior to class.


You will want to wear flexible clothing that still allows the instructor to see the basic shape and posture of your body. Please no jeans or stiff pants. You will want to be able to move freely without hindrance.


Your feet are an essential part of this practice. Please come to the workshop barefoot, without shoes or socks.


Most of the class will take place on the floor. If you are sensitive to hard surfaces, please be sure to bring a mat with you. You may also want to bring a small towel.


If you know that you struggle with balance, you may want to have a chair, counter-top or even a wall handy, to help offer support.


You will also want some wall space available, as you will be instructed at some point to lie on your back with your legs up against the wall.


For your own safety, please do not register for this workshop if you are currently pregnant, if you have spine cancer or any spinal infection.



Laura Masserdotti

Laura has been a Romana’s Pilates Instructor for almost 20 years. She was lucky enough to study and get certified directly from Romana Kryzanowska, Joseph Pilates’ protégé. In 2018, Laura started her ELDOA & Soma Training journey, which is the work of renowned French osteopath, Dr. Guy VOYER, DO. Now, in 2023, Laura is one of the few fully-certified ELDOA Trainers in the world. Laura is based in Brescia, Italy. She is the owner of the Scuola Pilates | ELDOA Revolution studio.

Laura is very active on Instagram, and you can connect with her on one of her 3 channels:

If you have any questions for Laura or you would like to continue working with her, you can book a private or group session on her website: www.eldoarevolution.com










The 90-minute "ELDOA and the Diaphragm" Workshop is completely FREE for current BE Light Community Members. You will receive a separate access link to join the workshop.

⭐If you are NOT a member, please register below.👇

FREE for Current BLC Members!


for Non-Members

Sunday, November 12 @ 10AM ET

  • 90-minute special workshop
  • 60 minutes of experiential movement
  • 30 minutes of Q&A
  • Highly-specialized instruction and guidance from an expert instructor
  • Introduction to a revolutionary method for spinal health and overall quality of life
  • Tips for improving posture, biomechanics and breathing
  • Exposure to a new experience that will stimulate the neural networks of your brain in a different way


1. Workshop registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

2. You must have your camera ON in order to participate.

3. There will NOT be a recording of this workshop. You must show up LIVE in order to participate.

4. This workshop takes place at 10AM Eastern Time (that's NYC time). Please make sure you know the relative time in your own timezone.

(Please prepare exactly as you would for an in-person class.)



If you have any questions or concerns at all, you are more than welcome to reach out to me: [email protected]